Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dilemma of a Blogger. On Which Bay Are you In Right Now? What Memory Will You Choose to Keep?

This random post is brought to you by my disorganized thoughts.

It’s been days now that I can’t decide on which among my drafts should i post. Top on the list is of course my rant post about my internet/phone provider and another rant about the PDAF issue. But these posts/topics and the reason why I cannot post them are all intertwined together. I sort of blaming these intertwined reasons why I am having a disorganized thoughts.

First on why I’m not posting my rant about my net/phone provider.  As of the current plight that my dear country is experiencing, the typhoon and flooding coinciding with the “heat” on the PDAF issue my concern is just a minuscule one so I shut up (until further annoyance).  As of this writing my net service is working but my phone is out of order for (effin-sorry) eight days now.  That is excluding the four days that I first complained about.  Breath… keep calm…

You see I created this blog to induce positiveness in people’s lives which is really a one-hell-of-a-tough-thing-to-maintain because I’m just human with temper and all.  Another reason is that I am hoping that even in my own tiniest way I will be able to let everybody outside the Philippines to know that life is really more fun in the Philippines.  I am catering to an international audience and even if I have just two non-Filipino audiences I want to tell them that it is possible to enjoy life in the Philippines.  That is in spite of the net/phone provider that sucks, the typhoon and floods, the pigs and crocodiles a.k.a  our government officials who misused our taxes that we paid from our hard earned money.  The… enough!

It is not covering up the flaws or turning my head away from the reality but it is my way of being optimistic and positive in spite of all the adversities.

Enough? Okay enough!

Well then let me just invite you to take a look at these short videos that I randomly recorded.  Imagine that you are on these bays.

Peaceful Bay
With the wind gently blowing, kissing your face and playing with your hair..
With the magnificent rising sun with its rays kissing the calm sea…
With the gentle waves kissing the shore and swaying the anchored boats gracefully…
With the presence of the seagulls gracefully gliding and chirping while doing their own fishing… 

 Stormy bay
With the gusty wind that whips your face and tangling your hair…
With the dark horizon overpowering the sun from rising…
With the violent waves rocking the boat and slapping the shore
With the littered sea that drives away all living creatures…  

I am lucky to witness the bay in both moments.  The same way that I am lucky to experience the same moments in real life because I learned from both moments.  It is my choice now on what bay and moment I will have in the future and of which moment I will choose to keep in my memory.

How about you? On which bay and moment are you in right now?  And what moment will you choose to keep in your memory?
“For whatever bit of good I share to the world will make it a bit better world to be in”  
© Balut Manila

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Time Out!

Thanks to my genius provider I was out of internet and phone for four straight days.  Work and everything related piled up.  I am currently cramming to finish everything the soonest while I’m trying my best to shake out all the negativity and being pissed off!

A regular post is coming soon and I have the feeling that it will be in the form of an ugly rant!

My apologies to my blogger friends also for not passing by your blogs.  I will visit you all as soon as my online life is back to normal schedule.  Meanwhile, you are all free to blame my internet/phone provider.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Wrapping Up July While I’m Lost in August.

Eight days after August and I’m still lost with it.   But the good thing is that it started well and fine for me.  Before my August gets too exciting let me take a quick look back how I ended July.

Starting a new adventure as the month ended
As July came to an end I started on a new adventure.  This adventure is officially called “job” but I prefer to call it that way.  So you won’t see me online as much as I was for the last three months.  But of course blogging is still on top of my priorities.

Ending July with a Run.

I shared the story about the Media Launch that I attended for this year’s (37th) Milo Marathon. I was one among the 40,000 runners who joined the Manila Eliminations leg.  Just like with my other runs I usually bring along with me a camera all though out the run so I can document the event and my own run.  The difference this time is that a media badge is also hanging in my neck. And after finishing my 10K run I still yet to attend the press conference afterwards. Yay! the “BloggerRunner” in me!

This has always been an important event for me because it is a sort of a traditional run for my family and friends.  As I always say and I’m sure most Filipino runners will agree with me if I say that your running life would not be complete unless you joined a Milo Marathon.  My running struggles and progress plus the detailed story about this run is on my running blog.

Joining the 40,000+ runners at the 37th Milo Marathon as I race against myself for the 10K distance and attending the event's Press Con afterwards,

The King came Live in Manila but it was the Princess Birthday

I received one of the most exciting news in July when I learned that my basketball idol Lebron James is coming to Manila.  But sad to share I was not able to see him in person.  The reason actually is not because I was not able to acquire a ticket.  I can move mountains if I really wanted to watch James just the way I did when my football idol David Beckham came to Manila.  But the truth is that I intentionally did not acquire a ticket because I knew that I will not be able to watch him.  James meet and greet date coincides with my Princess birthday.  And this occasion is far more important to me. Anyway James promised to come back so I’ll just see him then the next time. 

Better late than never! Another July celebrant.

Another dear blogger friend celebrated her birthday on July and I want to greet a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Leah of Travel Quest!  Hope you had a good one dear.


I am celebrating two birthdays in a year. In March which is my birth month.  And in August which is the month when I sort of "came back" after I almost died on one July.

How’s August is treating you by the way?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Before July Ended and August Came, A Summer Escapade and Media Launch in June Happened. Plus Trivia

So July ended without saying goodbye just like what its elder siblings did.  More so, a younger sibling by the name of August showed up on my door without knocking!  Why these months always do this? Ha ha kidding!

Before August can drag me to another spinning roller coaster ride then leave me dizzy the way July did, let me share some fun events that I missed to share last June.

Spontaneous summer escapade

Sometime in June before the summer ends and the rainy days started we stole a day from it and had a spontaneous summer getaway.  A sort “Huling hirit sa tag-init” (last summer escapade) before the kids start school and also an advance celebration of our wedding anniversary.

We headed to one summer destination. I will not disclose the name of the place for now because I am hoping to share a full story sometime along the blogging way. But I’ll share some teaser photos (LOL) of the place.  The kids wanted to swim in a pool and yet wanted to feel the sand as well so we went to a place that has both.

The elevated swimming pool overlooking the beach.

The serene and peaceful beach on a sunny day in June.

Who wants to make a wild guess where this place is? The clue is the word “spontaneous” - it can’t be too far from Manila (wink*).

I'm a June bride.
I love looking and staying at the beach and I could stay there for a whole day just reading or strolling along the shore but I prefer to swim in the swimming pool.

37th Milo Marathon Media Launch
I used to feature a lot of events in this blog but since my schedule has been chaotic lately I temporarily limited my attending of events.  But one event that I can't say no to is anything that involves MILO Marathon.  I'm sure most of you are aware that I have a passion for running.  More so I support MILO’s “Help Give a Shoes” advocacy.

The 37th Milo Marathon Media Launch happened on June 20, 2013 at the Bayview Park Hotel.  I was invited for my running blog BloggerRunner.com (Run! and Keep on Running)

My press kit and media tag/badge. Sorry I need to conceal my real name.
The ceremonial toast being documented by press and photographers from PH leading newspapers, tabloids and sports magazines
Leading the ceremonial toast were Mr. Robbie de Vera – Milo Sports Executive; Ms. Shereilla Bayona – Business Executive Manager of Nestle Beverage Business Units; Coach Rio dela Cruz – National MILO Marathon Race Organizer; Mr. Andrew Neri – MILO Sports Executive; Mr. Tonisito Umali – Asst. Secretary - Department of Education; Atty. Eugene Yap – Bayview Park Hotel Manager
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Joining the ceremonial toast – that’s me with the green wrist watch.
I love documenting “ceremonial toast” of every occasion so I went to the back and took a photo shot for my own souvenir.

With PH most famous running man and race organizer Coach Rio dela Cruz of RunRio, Inc.

The National MILO Marathon is an annual marathon event open to amateur and professional runners.  From its humble beginnings in 1974 as a single marathon race in Metro Manila attended by 747 participants, the National MILO Marathon has grown to be the biggest, longest grandest national running event in the country attracting more than hundreds of thousands of runners across the country.

Being techie via the AppsGeyser
I also wanted to thank fellow blogger Gracie for introducing me the AppsGeyser.  I have been reading this “apps blah blah” but I’m not paying too much attention until I read from her post how helpful this thing is for android users.  For a more technical “how to” and “what for” details check out Gracie's post from here.

Look! I now have my own and you may want to download this so you can easily access my blog (wink*).   I am temporarily displaying my blog’s QR Code at the side bar of this blog but the location may change from time to time.  Let me know if you have yours too so I can scan and download it.

QR Code for this blog.  Scan this and you can download my blog’s app.

What about you? Anything special happened in June or earlier that you missed to share with?

What To Do When You Left Your Hand-Carry At The Airport of Origin

First, how did it happen?  We almost missed our flight! We were running late, and the cabin door was about to close when we boarded the airc...