Friday, May 31, 2013

Sunshine Award and Other Sunshine

Sweet Rej of Superaena gave me another award that really brightens my day – SUNSHINE AWARD!  I think this is the second award I got from sweet Rej.

The Sunshine Award is given to bloggers who positively and creatively inspire other people in the blogosphere.  Wow! I really hope that I am able to inspire people in my own little way.

This award  comes with three simple rules.
  • Acknowledge the person who gave you the award
  • Do the question and answer
  • Pass on the award to 10 inspiring bloggers, link and inform them
Sorry Rej darling that my acknowledgement came late (again). But as you know I kinda got lost in the limelight for the past two months. And going back to the blogging track I want to start it right by giving you this BIG BIG THANK YOU!

Now here’s my favorite part of the award – the Q&A! Let’s do this ha ha.

  1. Who is your favorite philosopher?
    Einstein is not a philosopher but a physicist.  He is my favorite person and he's a genius anyway so he can be called in any term that is synonymous to “intelligent” 
  2. What is your favorite number?
    As Shakespeare says in Julius Caesar  “Beware… the Ides of March”.  “15” is my birth day and according to numerology or whatever it is about number, 15 is a strong number which reflects my personality.
  3. What is your favorite animal?
    Cat and his name was Timothy Mingz (insert sad emoticon here)
  4. What is your favorite time of the day?
    Morning or anytime when there’s natural silence.  And dunno why but I really like it when it’s raining while I’m writing (no flooding please jeez!)
  5. What’s your Facebook and Twitter?
    Like Me here and Follow Me here and I’ll give you a kiss Muaaah!
  6. What is your favorite holiday?
    Christmas – I’m passionate about it for all the obvious reasons.  I love decorating, playing Christmas carols, giving gifts and of course receiving gifts too!
  7. What is your favorite physical activity?
    Running!  Check the link and join me to Run! and Keep on Running…
  8. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drinks
    Coffee! Doesn’t matter if its branded or not as long as it tastes and smells like coffee.
  9. What is your passion?
    Writing, music, (watching) sports and a lot more.  I guess I’m passionate to anything that I do.
  10. What is your favorite flower?
    Ilang-ilang – my late Mom’s favorite flower. The scent always reminds me of her.
Now let me bend some rules when it comes to the third rule.  Instead of passing the award to ten people only, I am passing the award to everyone who will come across this post.  We are all can be inspiring to somebody in our own way.  It’s up to you if you wish to tag ten people on your own blogs but it would be a lot of fun if you answer the Q&A and write them in the comment form below.  Fun eh?

And here's another sunshine for me!  I found this message in my inbox from one of my readers at the same time that I was tagged for the sunshine award.   I’m used to receiving messages on my inbox mostly complimenting my blog posts.  But this one really touched my heart because it is referring to one place/thing that is dear to me.
“hi! would it be okay it I post your blog site on an album in my FB account? We visited the Missionaries of Charity Home of Joy... last February and my heart was deeply touched by the children suffering from the disorder you mentioned. I just hope many people will be able to read your blog regarding the place so sponsorship will pour. The milk alone that they can only drink costs so much. Thank you so much and God bless you always.”
The message came from a certain “Ate Evelyn” from Meycauayan, Bulacan.  The post she’s referring to is my very first entry and my most favorite post on this blog - Missionaries of Charity Home of Joy for the Sick Children.

I already responded to the email as soon as I read the message but I still want to thank again Ate Evelyn (if you are reading this post).  To anybody who will read this particular post and has the same question please feel free to share it.  That is exactly the purpose why I wrote about this special place.  - to spread the word.  Please help me spread the word and you may also want to spare some time and visit this place.

I wish you all the brightest sunshine everyday!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Simple Domain How To and From This Point Forward

images First off THANK YOU for all the congratulations sent to this blog on becoming a “.com”!  I’m in high hopes that this will motivate me big time and go back on regular posting.

Here are some things that should be expected from this point forward (so dramatic lol)

Some posts from my other blog that is closing soon (The Lucky Blog) will be imported here.  So if you’ll find some posts here that seems familiar you may have come across them from my other blog. There’s also some other post that I will be importing from my “Pinoy Anik Anik” blog but it will happen much later.

I will also cover a variety of topics and may host selected giveaways and do product reviews and the likes. I’m sure my bunch of intelligent readers, followers and blogger friends will appreciate the variety.  And i assure you it will be a lot cooler!

I am also considering activating comment moderation.  I really don’t like this feature but “blog sabotage”, spamming and the likes are becoming a trend lately so I’m just being cautious. (I’m still thinking about this till posting time)

Domain “how to”
For those asking “how to/where to” acquire a domain here’s how I’m doing it.  Don’t expect a techie one because I am not that techie but I’m not paying a person to do it for me either.  It’s all by myself with lots of readings and tweaking.

I’m buying my domain from Just search it and I’m sure the mighty goggle will not let you down. It is usually priced between $10 .00 to $12.00. Just create an account so you can avail of their promo codes. I bought my running blog domain last year and it’s still around the same price when I renewed it this year. Sometimes they have “buy one get one free” offer. Remember I got The Lucky Blog domain for free?

GoDaddy Will I get extra discount from GoDaddy for posting this? Let’s see (wink*)

GoDaddy is accepting several payment options. I am using PayPal and credit card. A local debit card is acceptable too but I haven’t tried it yet.

Blogger or whatever platform you are using has their own tutorial on how to “direct” (install) your existing blog to the new domain. GoDaddy too has user friendly instruction on how to install your domain. And if you need extra help, again just click on the mighty Google and you will find lots of friendly sites that offer help on “how to install a domain”. But if you are more comfortable asking me I’m just around - drop me a message to wherever you are comfortable. I’m on Facebook (Like Me), Twitter (Follow Me) or just simply Contact Me.

If you have a domain in mind but not ready to use it you can just buy and “park” it until you are ready to use it. That’s what I usually do. It is some sort of “reserve”. I advise that you do this when your blog is ranking good or becoming popular.

The cons (when you convert an existing blog under a free platform into a domain)
You will temporarily lose your Page Rank but it will be back in no time as long as you take care of your blog the way you are taking care of it when it was still under the free platform. No worries though about the view count it will remain the same.

Your template or blog set up will be messed up so be ready for the re-work. To avoid this some people start a blog with a domain. But for someone like me who “promised myself that I will spend money for my blog only when I earned it from blogging” – I’m experiencing the consequence now ha ha.

The truth.
And yes - the fund that I spent to buy my domain is not from my personal pocket but from the little things I got from here and there of blogging. So I’m enjoying working on the consequence right now ha ha!  But don’t ever think that blogging will make you instantly rich or some kind of like that.  Just blog away and enjoy – that’s what I’m doing. Sometimes luck just come along (wink*).

So go ahead – come blog away with me!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Balut Manila is Now a .com!

Just glad to announce that this site is now a domain!

Balut Manila Main 5

Wish Number 3 from this post is granted! Well technically it has long been granted its just that I only found the time to work on this just now.  Also, wish Number 2 from the same post is continuously being granted -  blog reconstruction and make-over  is on going so please bear with us as we continue to make this a more interesting and an enjoyable site.

Meanwhile… do you think another congratulations is in order?  Ha ha!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

So What’s Up With Me?

I have run out of reasons (or alibi) not to update my blogs.
  • The net has been ok.
  • My lappy has been fixed for quite a while now and in fact there’s a new lappy in the house
  • I’m not too busy for two weeks now - I quit my regular job. Finally after four attempts ha ha
So what’s the reason?
  • I don’t know! 
  • Call it PROCRASTINATION or whatever I just simply call it “my bad!”
  • I just can’t make myself to finish a post.  I have several drafts  for all my blogs but I really don’t know why I’m not posting them.
What’s the consequence?
  • I might lost my advertisers :(   Thank God the views are still ok and the ranking is still the same.
  • I missed a lot of blogging opportunities and might lose more if I’ll continue this attitude.
  • I owe a lot of  blog hopping to my dear blogger friends which means I missed a lot of good reads too.
  • I failed to post significant posts for the last two months.  I don’t think I posted enough summer topics and the summer is almost over.  I don’t even post about Women’s Day and Mother’s Day tsk tsk
What’s I have been doing lately?
  • Aside from following the NBA Playoffs (lol) which luckily my team Miami Heat is leading…
     well here are some other things…
  • Eating a lot! Hmmn.. This gives me another idea on what to post about next (Wow! my blogging veins is working now :)
  • Movie marathon all day long.
  • Doing Facebook and Twitter in a “Phantom of the Opera” style (ssssh…)
  • Tagging along with my hubby’s football games and to anywhere where I can tag along with him. So we’re dating a lot lately (wink*)

    Can you see me from the crowd? 
    Me at UFL
    Photo Credits: Goal.PH

  • Joining the “surfing frogs” while on summer vacation.
    surfing frogs
So what’s next?
Hmn… good question!  I’m not sure yet.  All I know is that I need to be out of this “un-me” before it get worst.

So if you see that this article is posted send me a congratulations eh? Thanks!

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